

Outreach Programmes

Wimbledon Foodbank
Dealing with the cost of living crisis in the UK, the Wimbledon Foodbank has provided over 2 million 3-day emergency supplies.
Merton Growbaby provides all baby essentials for families in Merton, regardless of income, faith, or background.
Training Centre
We offer all kinds of training classes for refuges from cooking to English language courses.
Abundance Café
The café maintains a serene environment for locals. All proceeds go to the foodbank.
Cost of Living Crisis

Wimbledon Foodbank

Over half a million meals served in 10 years

The Wimbledon foodbank is part of the Trussel Trust’s network of over 400 foodbanks in the United Kingdom alone. The network has been providing food and help to communities in need since 2004. Over 2 million 3-day emergency food parcels have been provided of which over 800,000 have gone to children. With the recent cost of living crisis we are even more inundated with people in our community who need help. T

he Wimbledon foodbank runs 5 days a week at various centres, one of which is at Elim Wimbledon church. Along with food we also provide other bespoke help when we can. Our volunteers have given thousands of man-hours working for the bank. You can donate food and money to the Wimbledon Foodbank by visiting our website

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Years Foodbank Open
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